What is a linked troop?
In Scouts BSA, a linked troop means that there is one chartered organization and one troop committee for two separate troops. There is an all-boy troop and an all-girl troop and, for the ease of keeping records for the council, each is given a different number (normally, a single digit is added to the girls troop but the two troops can wear the same troop number on their uniform.
In Troop 614, we function as one troop - we have one annual plan for camping and activities, our troop and patrol leaders council meetings happen at the same time and place, we plan together. Equity is important and we give amply opportunity for ALL scouts to practice important leadership skills. There are senior patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders from both the boys and girls troop. Together, they lead all the meetings and events, alternating the responsibilities for planning, preparation and execution. Patrol events are handled by patrol, and these are not coed.
In Troop 614, we function as one troop - we have one annual plan for camping and activities, our troop and patrol leaders council meetings happen at the same time and place, we plan together. Equity is important and we give amply opportunity for ALL scouts to practice important leadership skills. There are senior patrol leaders and assistant patrol leaders from both the boys and girls troop. Together, they lead all the meetings and events, alternating the responsibilities for planning, preparation and execution. Patrol events are handled by patrol, and these are not coed.